Self Doubt!

#teamroro What's up?

I know its been a little minute since I've posted. I've been working on something special for you guys! STAY TUNED....

Anywho, I wanted to touch on a topic that has been on this big little heart of mine. That topic is called SELF DOUBT!!

SELF DOUBT is the lack of confidence in yourself & abilities. We've all been there. For me, it was always the second thought. I planned on doing something I felt would work then the second thought would creep in and tell me all the things that could go wrong & then BOOM! I ended up not doing it. For years, this controlled my life. I was so afraid to take risks or climb out of comfortability. I felt comfortable was safe and that I needed to be safe. Truth is, I needed to be where I am. I am now comfortable being uncomfortable, risking it all for my purpose in life.

Do you understand your purpose? I know for sure it is not to be unhappy. We are not living just to live & not enjoy the wonders of the world. What is hindering you from taking that leap? Self-sabotage is masked in so many ways in our lives. Sometimes we do not even know this is what it is. How can we fix this?

I can honestly say, this requires discipline & hard work! I mean it! In order for change to occur we must acknowledge what we are doing to stunt our growth & love on this part of ourselves. The cause for this type of pain can be rooted deep inside because of all the trauma we've dealt with or are still dealing with to this day. We are human. We want to be loved. We want to be acknowledge. It is human nature to need this. 


God loves us more than you can ever imagine. He can & he will come through for you always. You can come out of this by changing your mindset everyday. One step at a time is all it takes. One book at a time is all it takes. One positive thought at a time is all it takes. You will climb to the top because that is where you're destined to be. No one can take your dreams away from you. You are so unique and needed. Can you imagine a world without you in it? I know right, I can't either. We are

Never let your problems get you down. You are so much more than your circumstances. You can & You will be anything you want to be. You can & You will do everything you want to do. I am here for you! Until next time #teamroro...



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